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Blog entry by Yara Ali

What is E-Learning?!

What is E-Learning?!

It is likely that anyone who uses E-Learning will tell you how impactful and convenient it is. In today’s “always-on” world, E-Learning offers many benefits to both learners and organizations. However, what is E-Learning, exactly? Whether you are an E-Learning expert or beginner, there is no denying its popularity has skyrocketed over the past decade. For employers, it offers an affordable, time-efficient way to train employees. In return, employees benefit from convenient training that enhances their skills and knowledge. It is also used by organizations to train their partners and customers to increase adoption, retention, and ultimately, revenue. The demand for E-Learning solutions shows no signs of fading, with the market expected to reach $275 billion by 2022. Let us take a closer look at what E-Learning is, different E-Learning types and tools, and the benefits it offers your organization.

What is E-Learning?

To get started, let us establish an E-Learning definition. So, what is E-Learning? E-Learning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. Although E-Learning is based on formalized learning, it is provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet. This makes it easy for users to learn anytime, anywhere, with few, if any, restrictions. E-Learning is training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device.

The History of E-Learning:

To better understand how E-Learning benefits organizations today, it is helpful to look at its past. Elliott Maisie coined the term “E-Learning” in 1999, marking the first time the phrase was used professionally. In the years since, E-Learning’s reputation has gone from strength to strength. Nevertheless, what factors have facilitated E-Learning in becoming the most popular way to deliver training today? Some of these factors include:

  • The Internet – Prior to the rise of the internet, many relied on printed manuals, CD-ROMS and other restrictive methods for learning and training. The rise of the internet allowed organizations to abandon one-dimensional practices and utilize the flexibility of E-Learning.
  • Development of Multimedia – As E-Learning progressed, the ability to integrate elements such as images, videos, audio and graphics proved to be a more reliable way of keeping learners engaged compared to traditional learning.
  • Affordable Digital Devices – Considering the first IBM computer cost the equivalent of almost $5000 today, it is understandable that E-Learning popularity rose as digital devices became more affordable. Mobile learning also hugely facilitated the growth of E-Learning.
  • Well-Built Learning Management Systems – LMS’s have become more sophisticated, moving from locally installed to cloud-based systems, with organizations increasingly applying them to execute many forms of training. There are many things to consider when choosing an LMS; at a minimum ensure it has the functionality and support you need to meet your objectives and those of your learners.

How to deliver E-Learning:

Now that we have outlined the definition and history (rise?) of E-Learning, you will have a better idea of exactly what it is. Implementing E-Learning into your organization is beneficial and easy to do. Whether you want to use E-Learning to keep your employees up to date on company policies, or to help your customers had better understand your product, there are a number of E-Learning methods you can use.

Using an LMS:

A learning management system (LMS) is a software application that is used to deliver online training. A great LMS will go beyond this, by providing you with the features and support you need to execute your E-Learning strategy perfectly. Selecting an LMS can be daunting at first, but analyzing your training needs and defining your requirements, should narrow your search significantly. There are several different types of LMS’s that you can choose from, such as cloud-based, open source, commercial, and installation-based. Cloud-based LMS’s have become the default for online learning as they allow you to quickly create courses, enroll users easily, and accurately report on learner progress. A good cloud based LMS should allow you to easily scale your training delivery and be backed by a superb customer success team whose sole objective is to ensure you succeed.

Types of E-Learning Training

People use E-Learning for a variety of reasons. Whether it has to develop new skills or learn remotely, the convenience and accessibility E-Learning offers is huge. Here, we will explain the four types of E-Learning training that Learn Upon helps you deliver.

1.   Employee Training:

Employee training is the most frequent type of E-Learning organizations use an LMS for. Organizations utilize employee training for numerous reasons, such as onboarding new hires and improving employee performance. Training employees using an LMS formalizes training delivery and makes it more efficient. Compared to traditional training, E-Learning more effectively encourages professional development by promoting knowledge and an E-Learning culture. Furthermore, your LMS should allow you to create exams, run reports and gather feedback so that you can continuously assess and improve training performance.

2.   Compliance Training:

Compliance training is a necessity for most organizations. It informs your employees on the laws or regulations applicable to their role and industry. Compliance training is mandatory and tackles topics such as health, safety, and dignity in the workplace.  Some examples of compliance training include:

  • Diversity Training
  • HR Law
  • Anti-Harassment Training

Running a smooth compliance-training program helps to minimize the risk of non-compliance and maintains your reputation. Your employees will also benefit from a safer, more productive workplace. Furthermore, keeping up to date with changing legislation and amending your training materials is made easier with E-Learning via a reliable LMS.

3.   Customer Training:

The idea of training your customers may seem like an odd notion. Nevertheless, it has profound value! Customer training programs help your customers use and understand your product or service. This type of training is especially popular with software providers. As well as raising the customer experience, customer training benefits the organizations that run them too. You will experience better customer onboarding, increased engagement with your product or services, and improved customer retention.

4.   Partner Training:

Also known as reseller training, partner training
gives your partners the tools they need to be successful members of your network. Types of training include product information training, sales training, support training, marketing guidance, etc. Often certified training is a prerequisite to becoming a partner. Partner training presents many benefits; it can help you engage partners, reduce support costs, scale growth, and protect your brand.

Benefits of E-Learning for your Organization

The advantages of each of these four streams of training have been briefly outlined, and you will now have a better understanding of what E-Learning offers you and your learners. Here we will talk in more detail about the broader benefits you will experience when you use E-Learning in your organization.

1.   Cost Effective:

This is one of the most significant benefits E-Learning presents, and probably the most welcome! Traditional training can be expensive and often frustrating to maintain. E-Learning removes the need for costly printed training materials and even on-site instructors. If modules within your content need to change, this can be done easily via your LMS without, having to print and distribute updated training materials.

2.   Saves Time:

Time is precious, especially in a work environment, so why not save as much of it as you can. For employers, E-Learning keeps any updates you need to impart simple.  Whether you need to implement changes to your training content or company policies, E-Learning allows you to easily add them to your LMS. This saves you a considerable amount of time on the organization of reprints, etc. Learners can also save time by accessing content where and when they need to, rather than relying on scheduled training. In addition, you can use your LMS to automate manual tasks, making training management more time efficient.

3.   Improves Performance and Productivity:

E-Learning allows learners to quickly and more easily complete their training, resulting in improved performance and greater productivity. Learners appreciate that they can participate in training at their convenience. They are likely to feel more motivated to further their professional goals through E-Learning, as it gives them the flexibility to learn at their own pace and from a location of their choosing.

4.   Lower Environmental Impact:

More and more organizations are making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint as part of their corporate responsibility strategy. E-Learning is an effective method if you aim to have a lower environmental impact. It offers an alternative to paper-based learning and contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly workplace. Now that you have a better, understanding of what E-Learning and its benefits, why not learn more about what Learn Upon’s LMS can do for your organization? Schedule your free trial and demo today.

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