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5 Courses

Innovation Motivation Tools
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Innovation Motivation Tools

Welcome to the “Innovation Motivation Tools” training course, where we will explore the importance of innovation in today's rapidly changing and fiercely competitive business landscape. Small and medium industrial projects require continuous development and innovation to remain competitive locally and internationally, and here come the tools of stimulation and encouragement for innovation to play a decisive role in achieving success and sustainability.

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  • New Work Force
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    New Work Force

    This training will give the management the tools needed to identify clash-points in the workplace among different generations, and the generational understanding to problem solve through them and to combat generational stereotypes while promoting generationally-conscious communication and interpersonal skills. How to communicate productively across generational gaps, and the unique work styles of each generation helps to create a balanced, productive, and less stressed-out workplace.

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  • Organizational Behavior
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    Organizational Behavior

    What people do in an organization and how that behavior affects the performance of the organization…

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  • Start Your Career
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    Start Your Career

    Determining the passion and career field is one of the most important pivotal decisions in our lives as young people because it saves us years of professional and intellectual disorientation.

    That is why we will take you on a journey to discover yourself, know your strengths and weaknesses, and determine the appropriate professional field for you. Many axes will be presented that will help you define a vision for your future and achieve a competitive advantage for you in the labor market.

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  • Health and Well Being
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    Health and Well Being

    This course is designed to give the middle management the knowledge and the tools to help Their employees to flourish so their organizations can succeed.

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