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5 Courses

Emotional Intelligence
Soft Skills
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Soft Skills

Emotional Intelligence

  • 1. What is intelligence?
  • 2. Intelligence Skills.
  • 3. Intelligence Quotient "IQ".
  • 4. Multiple Intelligences.

  • (0)
  • Social Styles
    Soft Skills
    Preview Course

    Soft Skills

    Social Styles

    1. Assertiveness vs. Responsiveness.
    2. Social Styles Dimensions.
    3. Understanding Different Styles.
    4. Social Styles Attitudes.
    5. Comfort Zone & Versatility.
    6. Adaptive Behavior.

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  • Time Management & Value Creation
    Soft Skills
    Preview Course

    Soft Skills

    Time Management & Value Creation

    • 1. Controlling time factor during performance.
    • 2. Identification of the clockwise thinking and compass wise thinking.
    • 3. Identification of the four generations for time management of the company.
    • 4. Identification of prioritization process.
    • 5. Identification of the fourth generation of time management and its role in value creation.

  • (1)
  • Communicating With Impact
    Soft Skills
    Preview Course

    Soft Skills

    Communicating With Impact

    In this course you will learn how to combine voice tone, body language with language that engages others.

    Using a four point communications model, participant will be able to communicate their messages more clearly, confidently and effectively.

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  • Professional Email Writing
    Soft Skills
    Preview Course

    Soft Skills

    Professional Email Writing

    • - Spelling Errors.
    • - Email Sending Time.
    • - Email Forwarding Errors.
    • - Email Subject.
    • - Sending an Email without Reviewing it.
    • - Sending an Unnecessary Email.
    • - Sending a Long Email.
    • - Email Template.
    • - Attachments.
    • - Email Formatting Errors.

  • (16)